Toilet training
Toilet training is an interesting time for both you and your child and should be approached with patience and support from the parents’ side.

Midwife Cath suggests not actually ‘training’ your child to use the toilet, but letting the process happen naturally. Usually, little girls tend to train a lot quicker than boys – so keep this is mind when the time comes. She advises parents to use nappies for as long as possible and also suggests using BabyLove Nappy Pants as a great alternative to underpants. It’s also important to start worming your children from the age of two, because germs can be hard to avoid when toilet training. Midwife Cath also suggests that parents should avoid rewarding their children with food while they’re sitting on the potty.
Toilet training is a brand-new chapter in your child’s life, so remember that all children aren’t going to use the toilet at the same age. Take the pressure off both you and your child, and let it happen naturally.