Multi-tasking Millennial Mums
Need to change a nappy on the go? BabyLove knows just how frantic motherhood can be especially when you add into the mix the fast-paced world of online.

An easy-to-change nappy for mums on the move
Need to change a nappy on the go? BabyLove knows just how frantic motherhood can be especially when you add into the mix the fast-paced world of online. From researching the internet, to sharing advice and posting the latest baby snap on Facebook – our new generation of mums is operating at faster speed than ever before.
“We know that today’s mum is fulfilling multiple roles and often multi-tasking as she goes – including juggling a speedy nappy change whilst trying to keep a wriggly baby or curious toddler still,” said BabyLove’s Jessica Trinh.
The nappy brand’s solution for fast paced mums is BabyLove Nappy Pants, enabling a faster nappy change for little ones, thanks to their stretchy waistband which allows mums to pull up pants quickly and easily whilst bub is wriggling or attempting a fast exit. There are no tabs to struggle with, and instant absorption for comfort.
BabyLove’s Spokesperson, Clinical Psychologist Leanne Hall says Millennial mums are the Queens of multitasking; “Research shows that the brain changes according to generational changes in the environment. So, if you consider today’s fast paced social media driven environment – this means that Millennial mum’s have brains designed for multitasking!”
Other Traits of our Millennial Mums:
- They are tech-savvy and highly connected through social media
- They embrace change, are open-minded and optimistic
- Image is important – from how mum looks, to their toddler’s fashion
- Highly informed – From Dr Google to mum’s forums, they have an insatiable appetite for information
- Higher levels of anxiety as they juggle multiple roles and idealistic expectations.
Leanne Hall warns that the modern expectations of the ‘perfect’ life – as often shared through the social media lens – can be an issue for young mums who feel pressure to live up to perfect images of parenthood, or experience competitiveness, anxiety and even guilt.
“Today’s parents face the added pressures and expectations of social media, and living up to society’s idealised expectations of motherhood, but the reality is that perfection doesn’t exist and sometimes nothing goes to plan,” said Leanne Hall.
BabyLove and Leanne Hall have collaborated on their top tips to help mums juggle the demands of multiple roles:
- Identify your priorities. Focus on what’s most important and resist the temptation to get drawn into trying to do “everything”.
- Be flexible. Having a plan for the day is fine – but any mum will tell you that curve balls can be thrown at any time. It’s important to learn how to adapt to the unknown.
- Learn how to say NO. Not just to your child, but to everyone else who wants your time. Setting healthy boundaries is important – even if it means saying “no” to a close friend or even your boss!
- Challenge perfectionism. Guess what? Perfection does not exist. Learn to be OK with being enough, by always remembering that YOU ARE ENOUGH (just the way you are).
- Take time out. Stop. Pause. This isn’t being selfish, it’s about self-care. You cannot nurture others from an empty cup. Learn to fill yours by taking time to be mindful, meditate or simply sit with a cup of tea and your favourite book.
“Watching a child grow is an important and joyful time for any parent and BabyLove strives to continuously develop outstanding baby products that help parents and their baby on this exciting journey,” says Jessica Trinh.
BabyLove’s newly enhanced Nappy Pants feature highly absorbent DriWaveTM technology, which absorbs moisture instantly and draws liquid away from the nappy surface. The ultra-soft soft, wavy surface layer minimises skin contact and reduces the risk of skin irritations. The 360-degree soft and stretchy waistband provides not only a quick change for mum, but delivers a greater level of comfort and flexibility for youngsters to get on with exploring the world. The nappy pants can be pulled up whilst a toddler is standing, and include easy-to-tear side seams so mum can remove easily.
BabyLove Nappy Pants are available in 4 sizes – Wriggler (7-11kg), Toddler (9-14kg), Walker(12-17kg) and Junior (15-25kg)