Berry-licious Milkshake Jars Decoration for Baby Shower
Milkshakes are always a good idea! They’re so easy to make, and no matter what ingredients you use, they’re a guaranteed taste sensation. From berries to peanut butter, your options are endless when it comes to creating the ultimate creamy and colourful dessert.
Start collecting medium-sized mason jars a couple of months ahead of the shower, or get your hands on some gorgeous glasses.
For a splash of pink, try out this berry milkshake jar recipe:
- ½ a cup of fresh full-cream milk
- 1 ½ cups of mixed berries
- 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream
- A dash of vanilla essence
Blend everything up, add a little milk to reach your desired consistency, and BAM – you’ve made a milkshake dream come true!
Tip: Stick colourful patterned straws into your milkshakes for added décor dazzle.